Memory Carousel

Posted by Buddy | Posted in , , , , | Posted on 22:34


La vida de una persona está repleta de sucesos. De hecho, es una lluvia de acontecimientos. Pero son los pequeños detalles los que marcan la diferencia quedando impresos en la memoria para tiempo más tarde, ser recordados. En lo que llevo de vida he tenido algunas vivencias más alegres que otras, como toda persona. Y como cualquier ser humano continuaré teniéndolas.

Solamente espero, quiero, deseo, tener muescas tangibles en los recuerdos. Meter el dedo en el cerebro, hincarlo en las circunvalaciones esponjosas y notar que hay algo. Áspero como la corteza del pan recién salido del horno. Que haya una costra. Que exista un recuerdo. Que sea una historia.

Esta tiene forma de carta y prometí que sería algo especial, por eso está en otro idioma.

"Dear You,

I guess if you are reading this is because I finally made it, so now I hope you like it.

I'm quite lost as I don't know what to say or even which word should I start with. And although I promised myself not tell some things, I have no other choice than saying anything but what I feel. So here it goes.

It has been such a long time since we've heard from each other, that I thought I had forgotten you completely. But seeing you again brings me back really good memories. Friday nights in the park, McDonald's, going to the movies (of course) even a nice walk to nowhere. Do you remember?

A few days ago, I was thinking about that time I ran away from home with the intention of not coming back. You were there. I ended up going back home. The funny thing is, since that moment you were the only place I wanted to run away to.

Now I'm confused. I don't know why I'm saying all this things. I don't know how to behave when I'm with you or even what to tell you. I don't know what I'm supposed to do, or what to put in this letter. I don't know if I'm putting the right things or not. I don't know how will you react. I don't know many things at all. But I do know how you make me feel. Damn good. Like time hasn't past, like everything is the way it was, and that scares the shit out of me.

Because I'm not sure I want that. I'm not sure I want to be trapped watching you while you're talking non stop about everything with such a great enthusiasm. I'm not sure I want to smile because you smile. I'm not sure I want to take your hand just to see how funny is feeling your small hand with mine. And I'm not sure I want to want to hug you because it seems you're as delicate as a little toy on the verge of breaking; when you have the strength of an iron man.

But I'm sure that I don't want you to go. I'm sure you will always be my LP. And as a wise man once said, please don't get lost in this great world.

All yours,


P.S. By the way, I'm also sure I've been missing you. "

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